Ritual & Ceremony

Honor your daughters sacred transition from childhood to womanhood with a beautiful ceremony welcoming her into womanhood.

Sacred Menarche:
Honoring Her First Moon

A beautiful ritual that honors and supports the physical, mental and spiritual initiation of motherhood and the changes they bring.

This ceremony focuses on restoring stability to the mothers body, honoring the transformation from maiden to mother and allows the new mom to be cared for and nourished by her sisters.

Closing of the Bones:
Honoring Her Transition

Honoring our young men as the capable members of our families and societies.

Initiation for Young Men:
Honoring His Transition

Make it stand out.

FireProof Your Marriage

Come move your body to the beat of artfully crafted playlists. Sometimes we have a theme, other times, we just dance.

Leave your mind behind as you tap into the wisdom, essence and flow of your body.

Unstrutrued, free movement

Ecstatic Dance

Make it stand out.


Make it stand out.

Intro to Vibrational Medicine:
Flower Essences
Singing Bowls & Hz Tones

Come dive into the Quantum realm.
Learn all about energy and how it effects us on a day to today basis.

Learn simple tips, tricks and techniques to optomize, harmonize and balance the energy of the body, auraic field, emotonal body, DNA, passion projects and more!


In this 8 week long workshop we will dive deep into the mysteries of the Dark Goddesses (spolier: all Goddesses are Dark!) and the blessings, messages and strengths that they each have to offer us.

Each week we will study and call in a different Goddess to begin to build a relatiohsp with Her.

Dive Into the Depths:
Dark Goddess Series