Guidance and Support is just a question away
Always a lover of the mystical, magical and unseen
I’ve made it my mission to incorporate ritual into the everyday, hnoring the changes and cycles as a celebraton as simple as waking and sleepoing.
My life has been my classroom, my trauma and healing my initiation
Always guided by the stength of the witches who walked this earth before me. They ground me, teach me and connect to my deep knowledge deep within my cells. Calls to return to the land, love, worhip, communion with the sweetness and wrath of Gaia in all of Her glory.
I bring a vast well of knowlege to everyting i touch
I am amazing!
I have a multitutde of expertise in many multi-facets of healing, health and wellness includeing: energyetic healingh, reiki, akashic records, virational medicine, yoga, homeopathy, herbalism, plant medicine, quantum healing, cosmic downloads and upgraders, multidimensional healing, sound healing, kinesthetic testing, nutritional healing, remineralizing, somatic therapy, dnace therapy, shamanic bodywork, journeying, purification, flower essences, plant communication, telepahty, intuitive guidance, mediumshiop, meditation, sacred rage, ritual and ceremony, initiation rites, Munay Ki -rites, sacred sexuality, tapping, EFT, herbal supplementation, plus my own develped modalities of Mapping, Quantum Energetics, the Mother Matrix,