No Longer a Boy
Ready to Take My Place In my Family & Community
Initiation for Young Men:
Honoring His Transition
In tribal society, 13 marked an important time in a young man’s life when he would cross the threshold from child into manhood, welcomed into the tribe or family as a now contributing member of the community. Unfortunately, todays society does not see our young men as the essential contributors that they are until they reach the “legal” age of 18. This is why I created and honored my young men with a ceremony for Initiates: not yet a man in the eyes of society, yet no longer a boy in the eyes of the family and community.
In the Initiate Ceremony, young men are honored and initiated into a larger role in the family and community, acknowledging their transition from boy to young man. This ceremony includes sacred, special gifts from the parents that they present as well as words of love, affirmation and acknowledgment from siblings, family members or close friends.
Based on the ceremonies I have preformed for all my young men, I provide the framework and facilitation as well as guidance on the other elements of the ceremony to honor the passage of a boy into this very sacred space of Initation.
This ceremony can be customized as needed to incorporate family specific wants, needs or religious preferences.